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Man Bijt Hond

Man Bijt Hond

This monument of Flemish TV history focuses on trivial daily news items and ordinary people. The tone of the programme is light-hearted, with a unique take on current events. On those rare occasions when bigger or emotionally charged issues are discussed, this is always done from a regular Joe point of view.  Rubrics include ‘De ouder van de week’ (Parent of the week), ‘Vaneigens’ (Of course), ‘De babbelbox’ (The chatterbox), ‘U was weer geweldig dit weekend’ (You were wonderful again last weekend), ‘Kris en Yves’ (Kris and Yves), ‘Magda?’ (Is that allowed?), ‘30 seconden’, ‘Blind date’, ‘Lied van de week’ (Song of the week), ‘Zonder handen’ (No hands), ‘Vrienden van de poëzie’ (Friends of poetry), ‘De grens’ (The Border), ‘De lustige lezers’ (The avid readers), ‘De vraag van vandaag’ (Question of the day), ‘Dag in beeld’ (The day in images), ‘Kabouter Wesley’ (Wesley the gnome) and ‘Gek of geniaal’ (Mad or brilliant).

In 2007, the 10th anniversary of the current events programme was celebrated at length. Sven Speybrouck was asked to dig up two thousand episodes from the archives and compile the funniest and most remarkable contributions into ‘10 years of ‘Man bijt hond’.

In September 2012, ‘Man bijt Hond’ gets a reboot on the new TV station VIER. It is aired on Thursday from 9.45 pm to 10.40 pm. The tone hasn’t changed: at times single-minded or playful, sometimes melancholic, ironic or moving. 

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